Get Complete Access To A Proven Property Tax Consultant Business Guaranteed To Make You Money. Complete Turnkey System. How To Cash-In On Real Estate Valuation Declines By Helping Others With Their Property Taxes

Property tax appeal training offers you all the tools you need to cash in on the property tax, assessment appeal opportunity. Become a top-notch professional and industry property tax expert! Virtually no competition.

Proof Point #1
I've helped win
property tax appeals
in my home state

     You see, I’m the ‘property tax appeal consultant and real estate appraiser professional’ that helped many half-million-dollar and plus homes bring in winning appeals that help me over time crawl deep inside the parameters of the tax assessors minds....and uncover exactly what it is these folks are desperate to succeed at ... to improve and maintain the existing property tax base ... AND how they pick their comparable's (often before there's even a lower established current market sales figures).

     During the years I was doing real estate appraisals and property tax appeals, these kinds of homeowners forked over four figures per project.  Do you think they would have done that if what I was bringing to the table didn't work.

Proof Point #2
I've helped win
property tax appeals
for the little guy on a
budget, nation-wide, over
& over again!

     Before you say "that's all well and good, but I'm not as well-off as some homeowners and I don't have thousands of dollars to invest in a property tax appeal.

     You see, despite all my previous success, I decided to leave the real estate appraiser rat race, and start my own small business using the system I'd developed. It took me a few years to figure out how to apply all the principles in writing, but once I did (in March 1999), the results were nothing short of astounding!

     Here’s the story: Every good appraiser knows there are just three basic things behind winning a property tax appeal -- (1) a decent format ... (2) keeping your comparable's similar ... and (3) making acceptable and reasonable adjustments for each particular valuation category.

     Some guys think they can buy their way into winning a tax appeal. You’ve seen ‘em or heard of them. Top-of- the-line appraisers, mega-buck attorneys, the works. And they still may lose in court. Awful. Then they need to appeal again to the next higher authority and the meter is running for big extras.

     Many homeowners use professional representation. I speak to them at hearings and ask what it costs to appeal. The average cost for a lawyer in my state was $250 an hour that the attorney had to be present with you at municipal hearings or tax court. You don't know when your case is heard. It could be morning or afternoon ... the attorney's meter is running.

     The initial appraisals cost about $400 (the cheapest they could find was $390) plus $350 for their appraiser showing up to testify for up to 4 hours (half day; anything else is extra). Still others scour the magazines and internet for any hint they can find on how to crunch the numbers and technique to make their appeal work in their favor.

     Well, guess what? The top appraisers are keeping secrets from all of you. Sure, they occasionally “reveal” their favorite tips or you get a overview. The professionals simply do not want to share these secrets with you or anyone else.

Here are just some of the key benefits of this one-of-a-kind scientific tax appeal system

It can be applied to any home or property: Get and plug in the right valuation figures for home and comparable categories. You save time on the learning curve. Plus, you’ll make fewer mistakes.

Like the TV show says: "It's so easy a fifth grader could do it". Fifth grade math, fifth grade English.

It's fully road tested, proven, and guaranteed to work: Simple to understand. Easy to apply. Logical explanations and examples to follow. Backup valuation evidence for what assets are really worth.

People reluctantly shell out over $1,000 for professionals to represent them in their appeal with no guarantee of winning. With my course, ordinary people win appeals because our methods work. Our Property Tax Consultant Business Course is a cheap investment for learning a business that generates good financial rewards. And, it makes good economic sense.

Use tried and tested parameters. Detect over-assessment. You cut your risk of failure in half by using the right numbers: Get all the price adjustments for every category pertinent to your individual property. Make your appeal authentic using the right appeal arithmetic.
You clients tax win continues: Your customers property tax assessment savings rolls over year after year - it's not just a one shot deal! If you reduce their taxes say $1,500 for the year, that savings is theirs each and every year until the next blanket reassessment ... which could be for another 5, 10, 20 or more years. You become a hero to your client. When you win for your client, ask for and expect many referrals.
When you do it right, it becomes extremely difficult for others to find fault: You'll make a coherent property tax appeal that will hold up to public scrutiny. Our aim is for you to construct a winning appeal using believable figures and become a business success.
It's idiot proof and I've provided you with everything you need:   Follow the step-by-step instructions so you'll understand the basic process ... you don't have to know all about how it works "under the hood".  (But you CAN look under the hood if you want to because it's all there for you)
You get hand holding all the way:  It will be just like a professional appraiser and property tax consultant coaching you to put together and helping others do their appeals. Our only aim is to make your succeed.


LISTEN. If you want to quit your day job and become a property tax consultant even if you have little money or experience, this maybe the single, most important letter you'll ever read!

I'll give you ALL you need to know to successfully make a middle 6 figure income in an industry with little competition.

You'll earn a LARGE INCOME in learning the step-by-step process of building an Property Tax Consulting Business. We furnish all the tools you'll need to succeed.

"George has an amazing way of approaching property tax appeal intelligence. [...]  I'm convinced it gives him the power that no one else has ... few other people do this!" - John Conner, Long Island, New York

Dear Friend,
     My name is George and, the first thing you should know about me is that I'm not really an internet marketing expert but I'm getting better at driving traffic to a web site.

     What I AM an expert in is a very solid and secure way to GET MORE MONEY BACK FROM YOUR PROPERTY TAX APPEAL at a LOWER COST, how to APPEAL THE RIGHT INFORMATION to the appeal authorities, and how to virtually ELIMINATE YOUR TAX ASSESSORS COMPS so you can dominate using your comps in your clients appeal. I was a pro appraiser for long years (from 1987) back in the heady “evolutionary period” of appraisals to what it is now.

     In 1999 I wrote a book to guide homeowners to do their own property tax appeals and sold it on the internet, which I still do. I've revised it several times to make it more understandable and readable and sell many of these ebooks each year. But seeing the needs for people to scrutinize their property tax bill and appeal it if necessary plus the many people who ask me to write a course with contracts, forms and letters has be finally offering this turnkey business course.

     Most homeowners are busy at their jobs and overwhelmed with the pace of life and don't even have time to scrutinize a do-it-yourself book let alone engage in a property tax appeal. They balk at using professional representation. I speak to them at hearings and ask what it costs to appeal. The average cost for a lawyer in my state was $250 an hour that the attorney had to be present with you at municipal hearings or tax court. You don't know when your case is heard. It could be morning or afternoon ... the attorney's meter is running.

     The initial appraisals cost about $400 (the cheapest they could find was $390) plus $350 for their appraiser showing up to testify for up to 4 hours (half day; anything else is extra).

  • Consumer Reports has published that property tax records show an error rate of 40% exists in estimating property taxes. (Nov.1992 v57 nil p.723)
  • The National Taxpayers Union writes that as many as 60% of all homeowners are over-assessed and not in line with their home value. ("How To Fight Property Taxes" 2004 p.1)

     But notice wherever you go nationwide that the opportunity to start and thrive in a property tax consultant business has more opportunity than any one person can handle. There is virtually no competition. There are more than enough potential clients surrounding you than you can ever hope to accommodate (unless you live deep in the back woods in Alaska or Canada, that is).

Property Tax Consultant Businss Course

How Much Will It Cost?

     While others charge over $10,000 for a seminar courses (I paid $10,095 for my first seminar) and others may charge thousand, this will sound cheap in comparison. It will be less than $200. But read on.



Getting Full-Access to a foolproof turnkey system on how to Successfully Appeal Property Taxes and cash into the money almost every single time.

Taking the Property Tax Consultant Business Crash Course will help you learn how to Dominate An Industry With Little to No Competition.

Discovering how to absolutely earn large contingency fees plus one-time equalization processing fee with prospects that result in Multi-Referrals.

Earning BIG FINANCIAL REWARDS learning the step-by-step process of building a Property Tax Review Business.

Making thousand of dollars on each prospect by simply engaging on their behalf in a property tax appeal.

  • Remarkable earning potential
  • Full or part-time business opportunity
  • Executive support available
  • Superior marketing material
  • Unlimited & highly targeted leads easy to obtain
  • No specific industry experience necessary
  • Nationwide opportunities

  "I've billed customers for over 12-years doing appraisals, property tax appeals and advising on property tax matters for $100,000 - $1,000,000,000 + homes on a time-tested, proven appraisal system that virtually eliminates risk, guesswork and uncertainty ...

     And now YOU can use the same system to dominate any property tax appeal case you choose, no matter how complicated, ... without paying my consulting fees!"

LEARN the highly lucrative field of PROPERTY TAX CONSULTING The potential for healthy financial rewards is the key factor for people getting into this business. Naturally you’ll always get a high from winning your clients appeal and the satisfaction of making someone's else's life easier, but the money ain’t bad.

     Also the attraction of becoming an expert in the field as well as the freedom of owning your own business helps. On the other hand, it may be a tie-in to an other business you are involved with or it can help diversify your income into areas that has little outside competition. You may gain additional clients from pursuing this as well as a variety complementary enterprises.

     Contingency fees are based upon winning a case. If your average win is $2,500 than you will see the full $2,500 fee spread over two or three years, however you arrange the contract. You chare a one-time up front fee for a property tax analysis. This could take as little time as 15 minutes to determine if you want to take the case farther.

     Time involved per property tax appeal range between 1 to 2 days divided between chasing around and compiling the evidence to time spent in front of officialdom.

     Naturally, the more expensive homes pay more since the winnings will be greater. If you target million dollar homes, the winnings should average $5,000 - $20,000 depending on location. The time spent and work is about the same.

     Non-refundable processing fees (i.e. $95) should be levied on a one-time bases. This way you will be compensated for low-probability cases that you may choose to avoid. You may choose to refund if you deem that a property tax appeal would be in the best interest of your client and you win the case for the client. When you win the case you can offer to refund this fee and it makes for good will. The client will have won twice.

"At a national level, declines in home price returns are showing no signs of a slowdown or turnaround," MacroMarkets LLC Chief Economist Robert Shiller 7/31/07

Property values are in a nosedive in many areas. Finding lower priced comparable's is easy and winning a property tax appeal under these conditions is a slam-dunk.


What Is Property Tax Consulting?

     Property tax consulting is finding discrepancies in property values and challenging false assessments. Since the burden of proof falls on the individual homeowner, few have the time or the know-how to challenge their property taxes effectively.

     Just about any property owner or manager is a possible candidate for your services as a tax consultant. This book deals with residential properties since commercial and industrial properties require another appraisal method.

Who performs property tax consulting?

     There are a great variety of people specializing in property tax consulting. Many individuals operate independently part-time as well as full time. There are firms that specialize in property tax consulting getting much their business referred from accountants, attorneys or realtors. These firms most often specialize in larger properties and cater to large clients who have multiple properties that could be scattered throughout many states.

     Real estate appraisers often take on the business of property tax appeals to assist a client. Usually they do it as a favor and it does not represent any sizeable amount of business they do. Most appraisers work for mortgage companies getting more than enough work from that activity. Generally, they do not like to travel to a court setting and have to wait till their case appears. If may be in the morning or afternoon. They don’t like the down-time variable. Appraisers are an excellent source of referrals for a property tax consultant

     Present an initial report to your prospect to show them the potential tax benefits in black and white and begin to earn an amazing income.

     The property tax consulting business is similar to that of accountants, appraisers, doctors and lawyers in that a broad base of clients will bring you more business than you can handle.

Word-of-mouth advertising

     Is the most effective advertising available and develops quickly from a satisfied client base. Your reputation grows geometrically from the positive outcomes you have from your advertising and from positive interaction with clients.

     You can develop a referral solicitation network by offering a fee for clients sent to you. Accounts, real estate appraisers, insurance agents, attorneys and other professionals can play an important part in your success.

     Give some thought to the type of lead you will want. Will it be just a name or a name that is pre-qualified for a reduction. Naturally, you have to handle these negotiations in a professional manor or risk loosing future referrals. The professional you are receiving the referral from is relied upon from their customers. do not want to loose faith or confidence by steering their customers into a dead end.

    Keep your eyes and ears open; never stop networking. Accounts, real estate appraisers, insurance agents, attorneys are a excellent sources for referrals. They get paid by the hour, you get paid by results. You have a winning proposition that they do not have.

Other methods of advertising

    Just about everyone wants to save money on their property taxes. Direct mail, telemarketing or attendance at high-visibility events may gain you a multitude of customers. Direct mail may be the most cost effective method of prospecting assuming you have a good mailing list. Make sure the list is for homeowners and as specific as possible for your intended target area.

    Take time to insure that the flyer or Valpac coupon has all the information and the image you want to convey. Make sure you provide an easy way for the prospect to reply. Conventional wisdom says that a message must get out 7 times for maximum effectiveness.

     Telemarketing is another way of getting in contact with customer. Lot’s of numbers have fallen off the “national do-not-call registry” list since many have not re-listed their numbers (after 5 years the number falls off the list).

     Following up on direct mail with a phone call, in most cases, is an effective way to get prospects. by developing a good script to follow increases your success rate. Prepare a list of any possible objections and have a pre-thought out effective response. In most cases you want to get the prospect to agree on an appointment. It's that simple.

Classified Advertising is another way to go.


Property taxes too high? Free initial consultation, no charge to see if you qualify.

“get your property taxes under control”
Call 888-654-4433

(sample newspaper ad)

How Much To Charge For The Services

     Your fees can be a percentage of the tax savings plus an up-front fee that ranges from $100 and upward. This should be not problem for a $500,000 home. This is a legitimate fee since it will give your prospect peace of mind that his taxes are right and if they have no case and it helps you from spinning your wheels with an unprofitable client.

     Tell your client that the one–time fee is for the analysis of the client’s property. Charging a fee helps defray your costs for gasoline and gives you walking around money while working up the case. This is especially helpful when you are starting out. If the case doesn't pan out you have the one-time fee. We'll show you how to determine if you have a case or not fast and inexpensively.

    You can offer to make this fee refundable if the final tax reduction is above a certain number. Many clients would appreciate this goodwill gesture from you and it will endear you to them. In a way, they win something from you also! This makes good marketing sense.

One-time equalization fee

    In many areas tax consultants charge a non-refundable $95 fee to determine if the prospect has an equalization problem. Make sure you test market your fees before putting them in concrete. Again, the prospect has the peace of mind that their property taxes are correct if they have no case and you're off the hook. And if they have a case, you have a very valuable prospect indeed.

    For this onetime fee, you’ll check to see that they will have made use of any exemptions that they qualify for and see that their return is filed with all the information necessary to complete any form they may have to mail in and that the information is accurate.

Typical Fees

Check your competition. Typically they charge upward of 50% of the tax savings. Typical back end fees range from 20 to 50% each year.

Examples of typical fee structures:

     Client agrees to compensate (your assessment review services company) by paying a fee of 40% for the first year of any tax savings achieved. Subsequent years will be 30% for the second year and 30% for the third year.

Or you may choose:

     The Client agrees to compensate (your assessment review services company) by paying a fee of 50% for the first year of any tax savings achieved. The subsequent year will be 50% for the second year. The fee structure is up to you.

     Or if the client balks you could do a straight contingency for 90% of the initial tax savings. Or you can use any numbers that work well for your market conditions. There is little competition out there and you would be amazed the wide range of fees.


     If a client insists on appealing his case even if it looks doubtful to you, you could take it on retainer. Your retainer fee should be about $100 per hour. Be sure to spell out all the particulars in the agreement and include an escape clause that allows you to terminate the agreement. Also, there needs to be a clause that holds you harmless in the event his assessments are raised in an appeal hearing.

What about new assessments?

     Sign you clients up with a 2 or more year agreement minimum. That way if the property tax appeal situation looks more favorable in future years, they'll be in your database and you can urge them to appeal. If the initial appeal looks too tight, you can pass on it for the present year and strike up an appeal at a more appropriate time. With real estate values fluctuating downward as the have recently, this is a smart move.


So let's talk about how to take the property tax appeal business to the next level Virtually No Risk Using Step By Step, Precise, Virtually Fail-Proof Research

Successfully break into the property tax appeal tax consultant business with an easy to follow, short learning curve approach.

     Consider my accountant. He's a certified public accountant has a master's degree from Rutgers University and does my personal and corporate federal and state tax returns. Federal and state income taxes must be filed once a year and he probably spends over 40 hours preparing these documents. Furthermore, he has to buy expensive software, meet with me every quarter and follow up with telephone calls on the thornier issues, keep up on the latest tax changes and nuances, prepare several VERY lengthy documents, for which I pay him under $1,500. He's a good accountant. Accounting can be a 6 figure business once established.

     On the other hand, the property tax consultant business does not require a degree and can be learn-as-you-go, property valuation principles do not change, tax laws are straight forward and there is only one variable to keep track of (the sales ratio). Each year the homeowner has a chance to agree or disagree about the tax assessment on his home. The time to prepare and present a case is under 24 hours at most. The financial rewards are FAR more greater.

   Now, ... the truth is, by using our Property Tax Consultant Business Course you're actually getting into a ground floor opportunity. YOUR TIME & MONEY -- WILL REAP GREAT REWARDS! (Part of what insulates you from others not succeeding in pursuing a full or part-time career as a property tax consultant is that they refuse to think like this.)

     On a PER-HOUR basis doing SMART MARKETING RESEARCH is a MUCH MORE VALUABLE use of your time than chasing an appeal with no guide to steer you and hoping for an easier path.

     While it may be a four letter word, I've come to cherish the w-o-r-k I put into building my property tax appeal system and leave it to you to reap the results.

However, I really don't see how you could possibly get a high-percentage appeal on your own WITHOUT our system manual, and I'm personally convinced that ANY & EVERY homeowner who decides to appeal their taxes that's neglecting this kind of guidance is undermining their chances of winning and leaving money on the table! In fact, I can excitedly say it's absolutely possible for you to do EVEN BETTER than the average Joe ... but there are many factors involved and it's important you keep reading so you'll  understand that you have nothing to loose. (It'll be worth your while I promise)

     The APPEAL TIME FRAME WINDOW is ticking away. Get your "Property Tax Consultant Business Course" started before you loose the window of opportunity to appeal and have to wait another year. But even if you have to wait, you'll have this manual in your arsenal and you'll be ready to deliver when the opportunity arrives again!

Plus, to out and out BRIBE YOU INTO ACTION, you'll get all of the following FREE BONUSES IF YOU ACT TODAY ...

Free Bonus #1
ready to use
for every property tax appeal

($19 Value)

BONUS Free house appraisal and property tax appeal forms. The forms are PDF downloadable and provide a generic template to organize your information in an acceptable format so you can present your evidence in good style. It is similar to that used by licensed real estate appraisers.  You'll be given the password to access this information shortly after your order.

Free Bonus #2
All the pre-written forms, letters, customer contracts you'll
need to get you business

($199 Value)

BONUS Sample Fee Agreement Forms, Fill In Fee Agreement Form, Sample Advisor/Agency Authorization Form, Fill In Advisor/Agency Authorization Forms, Residential Solicitation Letters, Signed Contract Transmittal Letters, Thank You For Choosing Our Company Letters, We Have Filed Your Appeal Letters, Invoice Form For Services Rendered, Enclosed Is Your Invoice Letters, Past Due Notice Letters

Free Bonus #3
Property Tax Consultant Insiders Marketing Plan
500 + Value)

BONUS This is the ins and outs for making this business work. All the methods, advice and tactics you'll need to make it in this business. You learn how to set up your business and learn how to go about marketing your business to a huge population of potential clients.

Free Bonus #4
FREE Updates
for life

($297 + Value)

BONUS  Keep yourself updated with the latest research and property tax appeal advice for life. Most manuals offer advice and do not offer ALL the specifics let alone treat every category in detail needed for winning a property tax appeal. This tutorial will guide you step-by-step into organizing your appeal correctly plus we keep you updated.

     You'll apply the rules for getting the most out of your home's figures so you put on paper the winningest presentation to officialdom. When you have a case, you can be confident to appeal until you win.

     There's no silly gimmick bonuses to pad it out our offer; what I've told you already will hopefully mean you don't need to be bribed with nonsense like that. I only want to work with serious people who know an incredible opportunity when it hits them.

     I hope you'll see this as an investment in your future, so my aim is to help you get money in YOUR pocket as quickly as possible.

I'm happy to report I've decided to offer this system at a 'first-release' price of 

$10,095.00  $3,397.00  $137 For Everything!

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Win your Property Tax Appeal using
professional itemized work book!

"I'm ready for my Property Tax Consulting Business and ebook Bonuses!"


100% Iron Clad 56 Day Money-Back Guarantee

Property Tax Consultant BusinessIf within 56 days, you review the entire Property Tax Consultant package, and you feel this does not do all that we said it would do for you and more, simply contact us and we will process your refund. It's that simple.  That’s right, if you think the Property Tax Consultant package does not live up to your expectations, you won’t be out one red cent!  Send us an email and we’ll refund your purchase…

     Your first Guarantee: You have TWO full months to examine everything, use what you wish, and, if for any reason or even no reason, you want a full refund, just return everything and you'll get your money back immediately. NO questions asked. You do not need a 'my dog ate my homework story'. No one will ask you any questions at all. No hassle. No 'fine print'. Simple and straightforward; you are thrilled with what you get or you get a full refund. And, incidentally, I'm devoted to the goal of only having satisfied customers. If you're not going to profit from having my System, I really would prefer to buy it back.

     Your SECOND Guarantee: If you keep the System after the two months, I'll ride along with you for another TEN months and, if, after a full year from your purchase date, you will show me proof that you used at least one strategy, System, or tool from the Kit in your tax appeal, and you will look me in the eye on paper and tell me you did not put at least a few hundred in your bank account that you would not have otherwise, send me a note describing your use and failure with the Manual, I will STILL refund every penny you've paid.  I want you to put hundreds of thousands of dollars of savings in your bank account in the course of ten or twenty years, that you know would never have gotten there without my Manual, or I want to buy it back.

     This is about having a proven pro tell you the TRUTH about the quality of your comparable adjustments, bring you plug-in data guidelines, red flags warnings to avoid and presenting acceptable parameters, provide you with marketing letters, contract forms, marketing information and every thing you need for a turn-key operation in the property tax consulting business.

Are you in?

You better hurry.

     Getting your hands on the "Property Tax Consultant Business Course" is a highly profitable business.  With it you'll have a nearly invincible business in the property tax appeal world ... but without it you'll miss on a great opportunity.

Property Tax Consultant Businss Course

Questions? Call me at 973-663-3533.
(You can call any time, if it's after hours I'll put the ringer on mute)

P.S. - It's never been easier to profit off the property tax equalization opportunity! With the trend for delining real estate comparables, property tax appeals are on many minds. Most lack the know-how and time time allocation to engage in it themselves.

P.P.S. - This incredible deal will not be around forever! We've set a special launch price of $137. The original retail value of this package may soon be set back to $297.00.

P.P.P.S - Remember, we assume all the risk. You have nothing to lose and everthing to gain. You can access this business for a small investment and if you are not happpy, we have and Iron Clad 100% Money Back Guarantee!